Friday, April 3, 2009

In Haines

It's nice to be back in a town so familiar. I arrived in Haines via ferry from Juneau on Wednesday afternoon and have been cranking away at work ever since. We bought a Motel in town and are busy moving all of our offices and warehouses into this new and larger space. It kind of feels like we work in a real office now!

I'm in town a month earlier than I've ever been, and its kind of remarkable to see town so snowy and quiet. The stores are all still on their winter hours and most of our summer staff won't be rolling in here until the middle of May. I am thankful for the quiet evenings though to just walk on the beach or sit on my sofa and read a book. 

I am however beginging to remember how expensive everything is up here, and how hard it is to get the little things that can make you really happy. Case in point: I found this pen down in Utah that I absoltely love, but they don't sell them anywhere in Haines (no suprise there). So I am left with the option of ordering pens from OfficeMax and paying for shipping on pens, or I can cling despirately to this one until the ink runs out and then switch to boring bics until I get back down to the lower 48. I know, its just a pen, but Jen is having the same problem with her favorite shampoo, and the closest Trader Joes to me is in Portland (or maybe Seattle). On the plus side, I can have really fantastic Alaskan Salmon every morning for breakfast!

Just another day in Haines. 

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