Holy nut! It's less than a month til I leave for AK! I'm getting super stoked. Even went out for a paddle the other day on the Minnesota, but it was like being on a river treadmill. There was some serious current going on.
Anyway, the offical departure date from MN to start heading north is May 4th! Which means I should be in Edmonton by the 5th and in Skagway on the 8th in time to drive into Haines and start trip prep stuff on the 9th!
School is winding down, and the conference for work is in two weeks... which means I'm ramping up training and reading to get me ready to be leading trips in a whole new climate, environment, and with a brand new company. Gosh I love a good adventure. My friend Hoover says I have the spirit of a frontiersman. I love it.

This is where I am going to be living when I'm not in the field. My awesome portable apartment that my grandfather got for me. Complete with "no see em" netting so I don't get carried off by all the little black biting things at "night".
More pre-Alaska stuff soon!
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